Magick Without Dogma Series Class 1 12 Noon to 2PM (Space Limited Please Pre-register)
Introduction To Pure Energy Magick 101, Working With the Cosmic Forces, Casting A Circle, Drawing In The White Light, Simple Spell Casting 101 Includes Note Outline booklet. $35
The most Basic Form of magick, is working with the light, That cosmic energy that is spoken of within almost every religion, path, tradition or spirituality.
In this class you will learn about Connecting with and summoning and “Cosmic Forces” The proper way to request help or guidance from this “Force” and when and how to connect or disconnect from this center of “All That Is”.
In addition you will learn the foundation of how to cast a circle of protection for safety and focus.
You will learn a basic for of spell casting using pure energy, no tools, trappings or Doo Dads!
You will learn about filling yourself with Astral/Lustral/Spiritual/Prahnic/ Manna energy (AKA The White Light) and how to use this for spiritual healing, construction and more.
Consider this class a foundational one, that you will build upon constantly from here forward, and while your experiences in class may be very Profound OR Very basic and intellectual, they will change and become more profound with practice and as time goes on.
For psychic healthy and safety you will also learn a very basic trance state technique and spell casting technique using pure thought.
It’s a VERY full 2 hour class and for that reason we ask you to PLEASE arrive 15 minutes early, and have all your personal things taken care of before we begin.
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