When you are at your limit with a person, influence, or even your own bad habits, it’s time to Get it the F* Out. It’s good to know your limits and Saturn is the best teacher of them. Use the Saturn spray to send away what is getting on your last d*mn nerve, sending it on its way.
Blessing / Invocation:
Saturn, I call to you to clear away my ills, stress, and bother. Clear from me what brings dis-ease and pain. Remove those who wish to harm or control me. Banish those who attempt to abuse and bully me.
The planets in our solar system move every single day giving us opportunities to change and transform our lives. Take charge of your relationship with the planets. Set your intention, spray your room, say the invocation, and get aligned with the planet.
Astro Magic room sprays are made with blended oils and are skin safe. Shake it before you spray it. Do not spray in your face or take internally.
Spray: 4 oz spray bottle with mister. Coventry sprays are skin safe.
Scent: Patchouli Spice
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