Carnelian will be one of the first crystals recommended to you when you want to heal or regulate your sacral chakra. Sacral energy is all about relationships and how we use our fire, passion, and vitality to enjoy ourselves, other people, and things. Its known for bringing the “juiciness” back into the senses and a more playful approach to our creativity and how we go about even simple daily activities. Use a flashlight up against Carnelian, especially darker pieces, to get a sense for its fire energy and how it’s warm glows makes you feel. Its been extensively used as a talisman for artists, pregnant women, and those hoping to conceive. Most people we meet asking for fertility stones are women, however Carnelian is even more effective for fertility if given to the male partner in the exchange. I see so many women trying to take on the full responsibility for conception, when feminine energy is most powerful in receptive mode. Place it by his side of the bed to encourage his power, drive and activate a healthy overall yang energy of the experience. In addition to just the reproductive system, crystal healers also commonly use Carnelian to assist with such things as the lower back issues, arthritis, and kidney health.
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